

Friday, December 17, 2010


I have been struggling lately.

Struggling with the 'unfairness' of life.

Not struggling with the 'unfairness' of my life.

But struggling with the 'unfairness' of the battles of those around me.

It is NOT FAIR that my nephew, Jon, is dying from cancer.

It is NOT FAIR that his wife, my niece Dustine, has to deal with everything that cancer delivers to a family.

It is NOT FAIR that Jon's sweet mother, Shelia, has to watch her son's struggle against the nasty side effects of cancer and its treatment.

It is NOT FAIR that my sister, Linda, and her husband, Ron, have to feel helpless to stop the pain and terror of their children and grandchildren.

It is NOT FAIR that precious Nik, Sam, Kiesha, Syaira, and Lilah have their lives scarred by cancer.


How many times have we told our children "Life is not fair. Get used to it."

We are really very prideful, I am very prideful, to think we deserve fairness.

If we really got what we deserved, I don't think we'd be so happy.

This week, a co-worker was talking to me about "Strong & Courageous". She mentioned Elizabeth Edwards and how Ms. Edwards couldn't understand how a loving God could allow for suffering. How a loving God could allow for 16 year old children to be killed in car accidents. And I responded that I understood those questions. My goodness, I have certainly asked those very same 'how did this happen' and 'why me' questions. Many many times.

But the answer is that life is bigger than 'this'. That 'this' is not all there is. Because, really, if 'this' is all there is, what's the end? Think about it. Really. And if there is nothing more, after death, how strange is that?

What is the end? Is there an end?

There IS an end...to this part. But life goes on...our decisions today determine exactly where that life goes on...but it does go on.

Think about it.


1 comment:

  1. I like how you put fairness into perspective. The questions are there for people, of course, but the truth is, life really is more than what we see on this earth. Our existence means something. We have a purpose, therefore everything that happens to us has a purpose. If we could see the eternal value, at the time we are going through our trials, it seems it would help. But maybe if we knew all the answers we wouldn't grow.
    I pray for Jon and Dusti as they go through this journey, that they will know the God who is with them always, and that one day, the purpose will make sense... because I know that it doesn't right now! Because, as you said, life is bigger than this!
