

Wednesday, June 3, 2009

Radiation, Oh My!

Don and I visited the radiation oncologist, Dr. Alice Wang, the Friday before Memorial Day.  May 22nd.

That day, she outlined the radiation trek ahead.  

Oh my goodness.  It is a trek.  Not as arduous as chemotherapy, but it will still be intrusive.

I will see her on Monday, June 8th for "mapping"...and my tattoos.  

Sorry to say that the tattoos will be only dots.  But I may connect them in the future.

Then, Dr. Wang will need a week to "plan" my treatment.  That means doing the math and computer work to map the best shot at my breast.  Trying to hit as little of my lungs as possible.  Good for me that the cancer was in the right breast.  That saves my heart.

Dr. Wang said radiation treatment should begin on June 15th.

I asked for a slight delay in treatment -- two days.  Don is off of work that week (yeah! for finally getting some vacation time in summer!), and we'll have all three of our girls home until Wednesday.  I want some all-family fun!  

I am slated to begin the radiation on Wednesday, June 17th.  By my calculations (and my calculations could be off - I've never been great at math), I will finish radiation on August 4th.    Yikes.  That is A LOT of radiation.  And many days.  33 treatments in all...every day, Monday through Friday.  Holidays off.

We leave Dr. Wang's office with the understanding that someone on her staff will call to schedule the follow-up appointments.  That was May 22nd.

Today is June 3rd.  No call yet.  I am starting to get a bit nervous.  So I call the office.  "Oh.  Drenda Howatt.  We've got you scheduled for 9:30 a.m. on Monday, June 8th."  "Really?  I didn't know."  "What?  No one called to tell you?"  "Nope."

Then I say "I am supposed to start treatment on June 17th."  "Oh yes!  We have you scheduled for 11 a.m. on the 17th."  Great.  Good to know they're taking care of business.  Just wished they'd have thought to tell me.

During our visit with Dr. Wang, she discussed radiation side effects with us.  (I am really beginning to hate those words.  "side effects".  As if they are just by-standers.  Let me just say that some of them are not really on the "side".  They are sometimes "front and center".  Often, they have not been by-standers, but involved in the game....and sometimes winning.  I understand that "front effects", or "front and center effects" doesn't really sound right either.  But I do hate "side effects".)  

Anyway, back to what Dr. Wang told us.  Fatigue is a big issue with radiation.  Apparently, I will probably feel fine for the first two weeks or so, but then "it hits".  And the fatigue will (I shall tell myself that it "can"...not "will") last for quite some time after radiation is over.  What does that mean for me?  No telling at this point.  

I am liking the date of August 5th.  

Loving it already.

And, if we can get passports in time, I am thinking that Don and I will have to celebrate its arrival with a little trip to Victoria sometime that month.  


I may not be good at math, but I can make a  plan!

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