

Sunday, May 9, 2010

One Year, One Lifetime

"...a year ago on mother's day my strong, beautiful, and faithful momma was bald, going through chemo, and just trying to get through each day. now my mom is healthy, cancer free, and living life to the fullest. i am so proud to be her daughter and so thankful for her! i love you, mom!"

My daughter, Rachel, posted this on her facebook today.  As I read it, my heart was thrilled.  I was happy.  My daughter is proud of me.  My daughter thinks I am strong.  She thinks that I am beautiful.  She thinks I am faithful.  She loves me.  She has no idea the import of those words.  They make me cry.  Even now as I sit typing this note, I am teary-eyed.  

And then her words made me think about the last 18 months.  It has been quite the journey.

One year ago.  I was going through chemo.  "Going through" doesn't give the true picture.  I think the word "enduring" is better.

One year ago, I was bald.  I was bloated.  I was oh, so tired.  All the time.  And getting through the day was a struggle.

But now?

Now I am healthy.

Now I am cancer-free.

Now I am living life to the fullest.

Thank you, dear Rachel, for the reminder.

And I am proud to be your Momma.  Oh so very proud.

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